미니 스커트 상품 이미지-S1L1
미니 스커트 라벤더 색상 이미지-S1L2
미니 스커트 상품 이미지-S1L3
The MiG-15 is a Soviet fighter developed by Mikoyan and Gurevich Design Bureau in the late 1940s. This small fighter is the most widespread jet combat aircraft in the history of aviation, which was in service in many countries around the world. Since the beginning of series production in 1948, more than 15 000 aircraft have been produced. They were in service in the air forces of 40 countries. The MiG-15 fighter fully met its purpose. His military debut took successfully place in the Korean War. Excellent vertical maneuverability and powerful weapons allowed to effectively fight enemy aircraft. Besides the Korean War it was actively used in the Arab-Israeli and many other military conflicts in different countries. The last MiG-15 was withdrawn from service in Albania in 2006.
미니 스커트 그레이 색상 이미지-S1L7