'악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 카키 색상 이미지-S1L3
악세사리 상품 이미지-S1L5
악세사리 상품 이미지-S1L4
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L6

In 1946 "200 HTZM" division resumed works on developing heavy prime mover based upon T-54 tank in accordance with government post-war program on making the artillery armament. The mover engineering requirements presented were the following:25 ton artillery system towing at 35 km/hour in any conditions,5 ton platfrom load capacity,25 ton tractive effort winch availability. Mover chassis should be equipped with earth-moving and special tools and drive gears to operate said tools.Vehicles based on AT-T include:BAT-M,BTM-3,MDK-2M.