'악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 -S1L2
악세사리 스카이블루 색상 이미지-S1L3
악세사리 상품 이미지-S1L4
악세사리 상품 이미지-S1L6
악세사리 상품 이미지-S1L5
악세사리 상품 이미지-S1L8
악세사리 버건디 색상 이미지-S1L13
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L12
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L11
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L10
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L9

The Sangamon class escort carrier was converted from a tanker in 1942. At that time, the hull of the C3 cargo ship was insufficient, and the development of warfare urgently needed to escort carrier. Considering that the oil tankers built according to the 1936 Merchant Ship Construction Plan were larger and faster, 4 of them were converted into Sangamon class. After the completion of the Sangamon class, it participated in the Allied landing operations in North Africa, setting a precedent for the use of an escort aircraft carrier as a fleet aircraft carrier. Later he also participated in the Normandy landing battle. It was only transferred to the Pacific Ocean to participate in the war against Japan in the early middle of 1944. This class participated in the Great Battle of Wright Bay and acted as an aircraft carrier to attack Japanese warships and achieved many successes. Later, he participated in the Iwo Jima landing battle and Okinawa landing battle. All retired in 1959 after the war.